Creating our Fuzz Target

For our fuzz target, we'll assume we're writing some sort of internet accessible service and that the function we create takes some untrusted data. That means it would falls into category 1 above. We will create our fuzz target in Rust, and we are going to put a bug in it intentionally for the sake of demonstration.

In your file, we'll first delete the all the contents cargo gave us, and create a new function. Our fuzz target will be a decoder for a simple encoding format.

Add this (functionally incomplete, but we'll fill in the body later) definition for our decode function:

fn main() {
pub fn decode(mut encoded_input: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {

This is a pub function (that is, it is exported) that takes a slice of encoded bytes and returns a result (either a value or an error) where the value is a vector of decoded bytes. Before we actually implement it, we need to learn a few concepts to understand its parameter and return type.

This function takes a slice of unsigned 8-bit bytes. A slice is a reference to a sequence of values of the same type (in this case u8) of some length. To understand what a slice is, we need to understand the basics of references, ownership, and borrowing.