Borrowing Mutably and Immutably

A reference is denoted with the & symbol, so a String is the actual string instance, while an &String is a reference to the string instance. Like variables, references can be mutable or immutable, and mutable references are written &mut. These are also sometimes called mutable borrows, because borrow and reference are used somewhat interchangeably in Rust literature.

We'll change our foo function to take a mutable reference to a String instead of taking ownership of its parameter. This has another side effect of making the clone() call unnecessary. Because we are passing a reference as a parameter, we need to dereference the variable in order to modify it. We also need to change how we pass in the parameter to foo. Instead of just passing x, which is the variable x, we want to pass a mutable reference to x, so we write &mut x. println! doesn't need us to dereference x for it, because a &String, &mut String, and String can all be Display-ed with the same code.

fn foo(bar: &mut String) {
    *bar += " I'm here!";
    println!("Got {}", bar);

fn main() {
    let mut x: String = "Hello, World!".to_string();
    foo(&mut x);
    println!("X is {}", x);

We can run this now in the Playground and see that we print out the modified message both times:

Got Hello, World! I'm here!
X is Hello, World! I'm here!

Hopefully you have a rough understanding of what it means to own, reference, borrow, and dereference in Rust. Remember up above when we brushed past using .to_string() to convert a &str to a String? The .to_string() method is implemented for str references and returns a String!