Add Our Observers and Feedbacks

We will use a

CountersMapsObserver wrapped by a HitcountsIterableMapObserver to observe the state of our 8-bit instrumentation counters. The CountersMapsObserver observes the state of the counters directly, and resets the state of the counters each iteration. The HitcountsIterableMapObserver will wrap it and allow us to use it with the AFL-style feedback.

We'll also us the aforementioned AflMapFeedback to determine whether inputs are interesting based on the observed hit counter states.

Finally, we'll use a special feedback, the CrashFeedback which returns interesting if the harness crashed. We won't use this feedback to inform our corpus, we'll use it as an Objective which means if this feedback returns interesting, we will save the input that caused it.

First, we'll add a few use declarations for the types we will be using. Add these at the top of your file.

fn main() {
use libafl::prelude::{AflMapFeedback, CrashFeedback, HitcountsIterableMapObserver};


Now we'll add our observers and feedbacks to our main function:

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();

    let mut harness = |input: &BytesInput| {
        let target = input.target_bytes();
        let buf = target.as_slice();
        println!("Fuzzing with {:?} ({})", buf, buf.len());
        unsafe { decode(buf) };

    let counters_observer =
        HitcountsIterableMapObserver::new(unsafe { counters_maps_observer("counters-maps") });
    let counters_feedback = AflMapFeedback::new(&counters_observer);

    let mut objective = CrashFeedback::new();

Notice that we print out our buffer and its length, just so we can see what is happening when we run it later.